Business Products

ZEP-RE’s products reflect the risks faced by businesses in an increasingly complex environment, taking into account the geography, sector, and particular circumstances of the risk faced.

Our years of experience allow us to provide the right cover at an appropriate price. Affordability is a cornerstone of our offering as we drive to extend professional services and financial inclusion across our regions of influence.




Risk Exposures:

Our property reinsurance safeguards against risk exposures to property, such as:

– Fire and Lightning
– Earthquake
– Non-political riot, strike, and malicious damage
– Storm or tempest, rain, hail, or snow, busting or overflowing of gutterings, downpipes or water supply systems,
– Aircraft and other aerial devices
– Impact by or collision with any of the said buildings and /or walls, gates, fences, and pertaining thereto by road vehicles, railway, rolling stock, or animals
– Flooding including inundation or leakage of water from whatsoever caused
– Falling trees

This includes specialised forms of insurance such as Assets All Risks and Industrial All Risks, amongst others.

Business Interruption Insurance:

The property class also covers Business Interruption Insurance, also known as Loss of Profits or Consequential Loss Insurance. This policy is purchased to indemnify the insured for the loss in turnover and continuing costs because of interruption to the business following damage by an insured peril. This insured peril can be fire or engineering machinery breakdown.

Engineering Risks:

ZEP-RE’s property portfolio also includes engineering risks. The main sub-classes are:

Machinery Breakdown: This is a type of accident insurance for machinery and provides cover against unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage to insured machinery. Cover is for damage from causes such as defects in casting and material, faulty design, faults at workshop or erection, bad workmanship, lack of skill, carelessness, shortage of water in boilers, short circuit, storm, or from any other cause not specifically excluded.

Loss Of Profits Following Machinery Breakdown: Machinery Loss of Profits policy provides cover for the time lost due to a
business interruption caused by loss or damage to machinery insured which is indemnifiable under a Machinery Breakdown policy.

Contractors All Risks: This refers to property insurance for any building or civil engineering project. Cover is on-site during the construction period and, if required, during the maintenance period. Legal liability to third parties can be included under this cover.

Electronic Equipment Insurance: This refers to insurance of electronic equipment against sudden and unforeseen physical damage from any cause not specifically excluded. Cover is for all electrical equipment that consume low or moderate electrical power (low current) such as computers, office machinery, medical equipment, signalling and transmitting unit, radio and TV broadcasting and receiving installations.

Plant All Risks: This provides cover against damage to plant whilst at work or at rest and/or during installation, erection or dismantling and liabilities resulting there from.

Erection All Risks: The intention of this cover is to provide broad coverage during erection of machinery, plant and steel structures involving little civil engineering work.

Deterioration Of Stock: This covers the deterioration of goods as a direct result of machinery breakdown. The cover commences once goods are stored inside the cold storage rooms and it is a pre-condition that a machinery breakdown policy must be in place.



In looking after people’s lives and livelihoods and protecting them from events that cause injury or damage, we cover health, liability, death, and disability arising from accidents and related exposures.

ZEP-RE’s Casualty products include but are not limited to:

  • Bankers Blanket Policies
  • Cash in Transit
  • Cash at Premises
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Workmen’s Compensation
  • Employers Liability
  • Personal Accident
  • Bonds
  • Fidelity
  • Theft
  • Plate Glass


Our medical portfolio provides reinsurance cover for our cedants in relation to health insurance policies that cater for medical expenses resulting from illness or injury for individuals, SMEs, corporate organisations, and other target groups.

We also provide expert advice on best practices in health insurance as well as technical support in various areas, including:

  • Systems
  • Analytics
  • Pricing
  • Monitoring
  • Underwriting
  • Claims management
  • The importance of quality data
  • Product development
  • Provider engagement
  • Market trends/insights
  • Tailor-made training


Micro Credit Products Initiatives:

We have put in place initiatives that support financial inclusion in countries in the COMESA region. We work with the respective governments keen on scaling insurance penetration and the protection of low to middle-income households from risks related to health, income, and savings.

Universal Insurance:

In Rwanda, we have supported a long-term savings scheme with over 100,000 lives insured in 2022. The main cover is health and funeral expenses, which is also subsidised by the government.

Collateral Replacement Indemnity:

This micro-insurance product is available in over 11 countries through local insurers. ZEP-RE provides reinsurance cover to these insurers. Over 50 lenders are participating in the programme.



Our Life products cover a wide range of long- and short-term life products including term insurance and variable life policies.

Part of our service offering under the Life division includes:

  • Transfer of mortality / morbidity risks
  • Limiting large / total claims
  • Reducing claim volatility
  • Reducing parameter risk
  • Stabilizing emergence of mortality experience
  • Capital management through lower reserves, lower solvency requirements, lower new business strain and increased liquidity
  • Technical Assistance through knowledge transfer, expertise derived from other markets, product design / pricing, and providing underwriting support
Political Violence & Terrorism

Political Violence & Terrorism

We provide security for physical loss or physical damage to property which belongs to the Insured or for which the Insured is legally responsible, directly caused by one or more of the following perils:

  • Act of terrorism
  • Sabotage
  • Riots, strikes and/or civil commotion
  • Malicious damage
  • Insurrection, revolution, or rebellion
  • Mutiny and/or coup d’etat
Political Violence & Terrorism


ZEP-RE continues to support regional government food security agenda programmes through the provision of reinsurance and technical capacity development in Zambia, Kenya, Uganda, and the Horn of Africa.

The insurance primarily covers yield losses to crops due to non-preventable risks such as:

  • Natural fire and lightning
  • Storm
  • Hailstorm
  • Cyclone
  • Typhoon
  • Tempest
  • Hurricane
  • Tornado
  • Flood
  • Inundation and landslide
  • Drought and dry spells


We provide comprehensive motor vehicle insurance across all our territories. Through our partnerships with motor insurance technology companies, we use sophisticated telematics technology, assisting our clients to improve driver behaviour which reduces the frequency and severity of accidents.

We also embrace technology that utilises artificial intelligence, machine learning, and a suite of analytical tools to ensure that we accurately assess the value of motor vehicles and motor vehicle fleets.

Motor Telematics:

Motor Telematics is the use of telemetry data in insurance. This leads to:

New Revenue Models: New ways for insurance companies to make money i.e. Pay as You Drive (Insured pays for the distance driven); Pay How You Drive (same as Pay as You Drive but taking into consideration the driver’s behaviour) and; Manage How You Drive (Same as Pay How You Drive but with real-time notifications). All these make up the building blocks of Usage-based insurance (UBI).

Individual Risk-Based Profiles: Traditional actuarial science is based on demographics but with the use of telematics, we can drill down into individuals and risk them accordingly.

Reduced Operational Costs: Desktop analysis of claims and outsourcing of certain business processes such as valuation and assessments leads to reduced costs and increased efficiency.

The advantage of insurers employing the use of Telematics are:

Customer Retention: Telematics increases retention by increasing customer engagement through real-time messaging and coaching, safe driving rewards, gamification, and personalised mobile experience. Telematics also helps insurers offer new services such as impact alerts (accident response), roadside assistance or breakdown services, etc., and motivating good driver behaviour.

Reduced Losses: Savings are made on the reduction of fraud, and better drivers as well as the prompt and accurate establishment of liability thus reducing claims’ shelf life.

Accident Detection: Real-time accident notification ensures that an insurer intervenes at the right time leading to savings and reduced further damage to assets.



Our Marine products include cover for:

  • Hull risks
  • Cargo and/or goods and/or merchandise and/or specie in transit


ZEP-RE’s Aviation covers are split into two broad categories: General Aviation and Airline Insurance.

The Aviation products include cover for:

  • Property (hull and cargo)
  • Freight
  • Personal accident
  • Loss of licence
  • Spares
  • Public liability
  • Products liability risks

Due to the substantial liabilities involved for airlines we have adequate retrocession in place to spread the risks as widely as possible.

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